Basically it is very important for an individual to take personally care about you. Spa and massages not only makes you look better but it also takes away the tension and frustration from you, so it also important that your spa room designs need to perfect. Here are some ideas below.
The project is part of the renovated LongLife Health SPA, which is a unique wellness path with various cabins for face and body treatments as well as suites for private spa experiences. With this project we paid close attention to communicate the identity . This was possible through identification of the distinctive characteristics of the company: the highest quality standards, scientific research and beauty.
In all the cabins for face and body treatments, the theme of light was very important to us. Especially with regard to chromotherapy, activated by touch panels that allow the selection of the entire chromatic spectrum. For the best possible experience we have designed a particular ceiling consisting of a dome that allows a homogeneous diffusion of the LED light.
A new concept design for a beauty treatment cabin and exposition of products from a prestigious line of skin care cosmetics.The existing room on which this project is based, is located inside the SPA.The project seeks to interpret and communicate the identity of the brand. This was possible through identification of the distinctive characteristics of the company